V roce 2018 společnost Kiswire otevřela druhou výrobní halu na výrobu ocelových kordů do pneumatik. Naše společnost zajistila kompletní dodávku adresného systému nouzového osvětlení Awex.
Kiswire is a South Korean company, a global manufacturer of steel wires and ropes, which has its headquarters in the Czech Republic in the Triangle industrial zone near Žatec. From its production plant, it supplies tyre reinforcements to renowned tyre manufacturers both in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe. In 2018, the company opened a second production hall for the production of steel cords for tyres. The company plans to produce over 30,000 tonnes of steel cord per year, which will be supplied to the largest tyre manufacturers in Europe. The complete delivery of the addressable emergency lighting system included 1 main station, 1 sub-station, 26 Ah batteries, 480 Awex luminaires.